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10 Health Benefits of Green Tea you didn't know !!

As of late, drinking green tea has become a trend to help you “lose weight”—but does it really help?

Green tea is a lot healthier than drinking soda or sugar filled juices. If you replace these unhealthy drinks in your day with green tea, you are bound to lose weight—but it’s not like you’re going to suddenly melt away pounds of fat just because of the tea. Although some studies have shown that green tea can boost your metabolism, energy levels and oxidation of fat, the studies are inconsistent about how much green tea actually helps you lose weight.

So maybe chugging gallons of Starbuck’s green tea lemonades won’t help you get that swimsuit-ready body, but there are many other benefits to drinking green tea you may not know!

1. De-stress

Teas are known to help you relax and green tea is one of the best ones to sip on as you take a moment to yourself. Green tea has a natural chemical called theanine which can provide a calming effect. So brew yourself a cup of green tea with a dash of honey (throw in a bit of ginger for that extra zing), and wash away your stress of the day!

2. It’s heart healthy

A review of studies on green tea has shown that it helps to prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure! Some scientists believe green tea works by keeping the lining of the blood vessels relaxed so it can handle blood pressure alterations efficiently. In addition to reducing blood pressure, there is also some evidence that the tea can protect against the formation of clots—the primary causes of heart attacks.

3. Got cholesterol?

Green tea has been proven to reduce the bad cholesterol in your body while increasing the good cholesterol. The powerful antioxidant in green tea—Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)—may inhibit absorption of cholesterol from the large intestine, which prevents an increase in bad cholesterol from greasy, unhealthy snacks and drinks. Research suggests that drinking at least five cups of green tea a day will help in reducing bad cholesterol.

4. It can make you smarter

Of course, what is good for your heart is usually beneficial to the brain as well because you need healthy blood vessels in the brain. One Swiss study even revealed that people who drank green tea had more active working memory (short term memory). There are certain compounds in tea, like caffeine, that are stimulants which can improve brain functioning without the ‘jittery’ effects of caffeine-filled drinks such as coffee.

5. Lowers risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

It seems that green tea may be able to block the formation of certain plaques that are related to Alzheimer’s disease. Some research has shown that this magical tea can delay the deterioration caused by both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. There is even evidence that it can help against dementia as well. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells.

6. Reduce the risk of cancer?

Green tea is thought to kill cancer cells without damaging other cells, and has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers such as esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and even oral cancer. The EGCG in the tea is the powerful antioxidant that can kill cancer cells by destroying the cell’s mitochondria, which slowly leads the cancer cells to die. Some say it could even become a possible alternative to chemotherapy!

7. Improve oral health

Although many people avoid tea due to the staining effect on teeth, green tea actually helps your oral health! A 2009 study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that the more green tea one drank, the lower the risk of periodontal disease. The catechin in tea helps reduce inflammation in the body, controls bacteria that can cause dental conditions like throat infections, and lowers the acidity of saliva and dental plaque—which prevents cavities.

8. Improves vision

How does green tea help your vision? More antioxidants and catechins! Green tea can penetrate the tissue of eyes to produce and absorb antioxidants. A 2001 study published in the journal Experimental Eye Research found green tea can actually prevent cataract-induced blindness.

9. Protects your skin

Apparently, green tea can also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging, thanks to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Multiple studies have proven that applying green tea topically even reduced sun damage.

10. Manage Diabetes

Studies have shown that green tea also assists in stabilizing blood sugar in people with diabetes. Green tea regulates the glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating which can prevent insulin spikes and the resulting fat storage.

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